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At Nicaragua is moche golde that cometh out of the Southe Sea, and there is a place where they make their frigotts Besides that inconvenience, the traficque groweth daily to worse termes then heretoforeAt the same time that this metallic lining was being made they were also employed at michael kors bag making the enormous projectile Truthe it is, that Michael Kors Outlet throughe our longe peace and seldome sicknes (twoo singuler blessinges of Almightie God) wee Michael Kors Tote Handbag Michael Kors Outlet are growen more populous than ever heretofore; so that nowe there are of every arte and science so many, that they can hardly lyve one by another, nay rather they are readie to eate upp one another; yea many thousandths of idle persons are within this realme, which, havinge no way to be sett on worke, be either mutinous and seeke alteration Michael Kors Uk in the state, or at leaste very burdensome to the commonwealthe, and often fall to pilferinge and thevinge and other lewdnes, whereby all the prisons michael kors handbags on sale of the lande are daily pestred and michael kors bags on sale stuffed full of them, where either they pitifully pyne awaye, or els at lengthe are miserably hanged, even xx'tiThat some phisition be provided to minister by counsell and by phisicke, to kepe and preserve from sicknes, or by skill to cure suche as fall into disease and distemperature To the spedy perfourmaunce of which voyadge this is a speciall furtheraunce: that michael kors bags whereas moste of our other voyadges of like lengthe require twoo or three sortes of windes Michael Kors Outlet Online at the leaste, one onely winde suffiseth to make this; which was no doubte the cause of the quicke returne of my frende Stephen Bellinger of Roan, whoe departed from Newhaven in January was twelve moneths, arryved at Cape Briton in xxii daies space, and from thence discouered very diligently CC
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